About us

We are a democratic body.  Our LMC Committee consists of GPs elected by constituency across the county of Worcestershire.  We co-opt representatives who may have a particular interest such as rural dispensing.  Practice Managers are represented as are Non-Principal GPs and GP Registrars.  The LMC has close links with the General Practitioners Committee nationally.

The LMC committee meets monthly. Bi-monthly face to face at m, The Meeting Room, Worcestershire FA Building in Claines, Worcestershire and other meetings are virtual on Teams.

Worcestershire LMC Limited has an office based in Upton Upon Severn, full details on our contacts page.

Worcestershire LMC is incorporated and Worcestershire LMC Limited are responsible for conducting all business, delivering all services and all communications.

The LMC is an independent body which represents the interests of general practice alone and acts as its advocate, free of political constraints and of the need to satisfy the interests of others.  LMCs are recognised and defined by statute in the NHS Act 2006, (as amended by the Health and Social Care Act 2012).  The LMC is a self-financing body, paid for by a levy of GPs earnings.

Worcestershire LMC Ltd are involved in three key areas:

Representation - We represent the views of GPs to a variety of bodies, including CCGs and NHS England, local authorities, social services, NHS Trusts, WMAS, HEE, CQC, GPPB, MPs, national bodies such as the General Practitioners Committee of the BMA (GPC), General Medical Council (GMC), the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP), and local and national media.

We canvass the views of GPs and use that knowledge to promote sustainable and thriving general practice.  We collaborate and build on relationships with other organisations which allows us to ensure that the GP voice is heard.  We aim to uphold standards of professional practice and to ensure that GPs are valued within our healthcare system.

LMCs influence the policies of the GPC on a national level, particularly through submission of motions to the National Annual Conference of LMCs to which Worcestershire LMC actively contributes.  We attend all the major Medico-Political conferences annually.

Advisory - We keep our GPs and PMs informed of local and national developments through our monthly newsletter, circulating guidance on local issues and initiatives.  We email our colleagues with regular updates on local issues and use Twitter.  We also provide advice on a wide range of subjects to practices on all matters affecting professional activities.  Advice is given on all areas related to GP contracts and funding (including essential and enhanced services, QOF, premises funding issues).  We can offer advice on practice and partnership mergers, working at scale, new models of care, the STP and ICS.  We regularly host local events to keep our GP colleagues informed on issues that will affect them.

Pastoral - Our GP Support Team provide support to practices who find themselves in difficulty.  By connecting colleagues and sharing ideas we aim to support the sustainability of general practice.  We facilitate discussion in practice disputes.  We support colleagues facing complaints and attend NHSE Performance Advisory Groups. We have a Wellbeing Service supporting doctors with their mental and physical wellbeing.  We offer mentoring to GPs.  We support our VTS and educators by giving lectures and talks on issues that concern our GP trainees and we work collaboratively on initiatives to build and improve our workforce with other organisations.
