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General Practice Provider Board - Wo

Available till 14/02/2019


2.00 - 4.00PM

The Pear Tree Hotel




The NHS will shortly be publishing its Long Term Plan and our understanding is that this will give the outline of funding plans for the NHS, but relevantly for us, details on general practice funding for Primary Care Networks (Alliances/localities).  We should have visibility of this by the January meeting.

It will not have escaped you that our STP is moving towards a shadow ICS on 1st April 2019.  

This means that resource flows into general practice and primary care will change and it will be necessary to make our case alongside partners from acute, mental health and community trusts.

Whilst it is essential that we preserve the strengths of GMS partnerships, we need to develop our ability to lead Primary Care Networks and also have a mandated voice for general practice at the top table of the emergent ICS.